
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Movie : Coming Soon 2012

Ridley Scotts Prometheus
Ridley Scott is legendary when it comes to the scifi genre and it looks like he is trying to put another big trophy on his wall when it comes to his work in the form of his new film Prometheus. The film hits theaters June 8th 2012 and a brand new trailer has been released. Check it out below and tell me what you think. My reaction was wow!

Synopsis: “Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helpeLinkd define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life’s ultimate mystery.”

Upcoming : 08 Jun 2012

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Releasing in the shadow of the phenomenal trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is the first official trailer for WRATH OF THE TITANS, the sequel to last years CLASH OF THE TITANS. This film is not really on my radar as I was a little let down by CLASH, but to be honest this trailer has a lot of cool stuff going on- then again, so did the trailer for CLASH. There appears to be quite of bit of cool special effects and a lot of action, but until the finished product comes out it could end up being similar to the previous film where they are all abbreviated sequences of action with lots of talky nonsense in between.

Sam Worthington and Liam Neeson both return along with a slew of classic mythological monsters including cyclops and some other very cool looking creatures that are wrecking shop. The film is set to release in March.

What do you think of the WRATH OF THE TITANS trailer?

Upcoming : March 2012

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I didn’t think it was possible for Christopher Nolan to make me love a Batman trailer more than the trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT. Today he’s proved me wrong with the premiere of the trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. The full length trailer teases a storm warning from Anne Hathaway as Catwoman to Bruce Wayne and a truly explosive appearance from Bane (Tom Hardy). There are some very brief appearances from Joseph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotillard, an awesome football field explosion, some more glimpses of Batman and Bane squaring off and a great line of dialogue from Bane towards the end referring to Gotham in ashes- all of it adding up to 100% awesome.

We still have a long wait till the premiere of the film and anyone lucky enough to witness the six minute prologue in front of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL got an extended look at Tom Hardy playing the intimidating presence of Bane- which I have seen. The trailer does nothing but boost how excited I was after seeing the prologue, which only held one complaint in that it was a little difficult to understand what Bane was saying at times. I have little doubt that Nolan will clean up that audio to perfection and deliver a final product that will do nothing short but blow me off my feet. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is easily the one movie I would gladly hand over any bodily appendage to watch RIGHT NOW and I for one cannot wait to see this thing in all of its IMAX glory.

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Yesterday we posted the cool new poster for Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon’s upcoming horror film THE CABIN IN THE WOODS. Not long after the first official trailer for the film surfaced over at Yahoo! Movies. As I mentioned in the post for the poster yesterday this film has been being pushed back from release for quite some time- a fact that I contemplated had to do with waiting for its star Chris Hemsworth to hit it big as THOR in his own film and THE AVENGERS. So, the question now is does the film appear to be worth the wait?

The short answer from my point of view is hell yes. We’ve had films that sit on the shelf for years only to be forced direct to video and getting lost among big releases and usually rightfully so and THE CABIN IN THE WOODS looks to be heads and tails above any single direct to DVD horror. Not to say all direct to DVD horror is bad but the majority do not show the quality and intrigue as the film directed by Goddard and written by him as well with Whedon.

The idea of the film is that it is supposed to take the subgenre of horror where people get stalked in the woods at a cabin by some supernatural force or killer and flip the genre on its head. Well it is evident in the trailer that this definitely not your typical stuck in a cabin horror movie. We are not sure of the trailer gives away too much at this point, but it appears an awful lot of information is given in the trailer. That being said, in no way does it seem like we’ve even begun to witness the insanity in the film. The final minutes of the trailer look pretty crazy and the vibe of the rest of the trailer is pretty awesome as well.

Chris Hemsworth stars in the film and it follows a group of friends looking to get out and have some R&R at a cabin in the middle of the woods when some really strange and dangerous happenings begin to present themselves. The trailer looks to have elements of THE EVIL DEAD but with a very peculiar technological twist as the woods seem to be enclosed by some type of force field and the dangerous elements stalking the friends are being released by someone watching over them. Regardless of speculation THE CABIN IN THE WOODS just shot up the list of films I cannot wait to see.

Upcoming : April 2012

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