Friday, 4 May 2012
I Love Kelate
Magis pada separuh masa kedua malam tadi
membuatkan ratusan ribu rakyat Kelantan bersorak kegembiraan apabila gol
penyamaan dijaringkan oleh M. Ghaddar.
Gambar ini mempunyai nilai sentimental yang amat tinggi bagaimana hubungan antara pemain TRW dan penyokong yang saling melengkapi. Ghaddar berlari menuju ke kerusi penyokong TRW , memanjat pagar dan meraikan gol bersama ribuan penykong Kelantan disana simbolik kepada ratusan ribu lagi penyokong TRW yang menonton live di kaca tv malam tadi.
' Di Malaysia suasana dan atsmosfrera bolasepak sebenar benar-benar hanya dapat dirasai di Kelantan ' - Dato Rahim Razali.
Gambar ini mempunyai nilai sentimental yang amat tinggi bagaimana hubungan antara pemain TRW dan penyokong yang saling melengkapi. Ghaddar berlari menuju ke kerusi penyokong TRW , memanjat pagar dan meraikan gol bersama ribuan penykong Kelantan disana simbolik kepada ratusan ribu lagi penyokong TRW yang menonton live di kaca tv malam tadi.
' Di Malaysia suasana dan atsmosfrera bolasepak sebenar benar-benar hanya dapat dirasai di Kelantan ' - Dato Rahim Razali.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Kahwin kerana Allah
Kasih pudar tanpa agama
fizikal, kriteria pemilihan jodoh tiada cacat celanya, tetapi apabila ia
dijadikan keutamaan sehingga agama diketepikan, maka ia satu kesilapan besar
kerana boleh menyebabkan kemanisan alam perkahwinan menjadi pudar dan akhirnya
berlaku perpisahan.
Pakar motivasi, Ahmad Shukri Yusof, berkata kesilapan besar bagi pasangan yang ingin berkahwin tidak meletakkan agama sebagai keutamaan dalam membuat pilihan jodoh mereka.
Menurutnya, kesilapan itu juga mengakibatkan hubungan suami isteri tidak bertahan lama, malah berlaku pelbagai kejadian tidak diingini.
“Kriteria Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sebut walaupun sudah lama, ia masih relevan. Agama perlu menjadi asas memilih jodoh supaya perkahwinan dan kebahgiaan yang dibina bertahan hingga ke penghujung nyawa.
“Jika betul-betul berasaskan kriteria yang disebut nabi, tiada timbul pelbagai perasaan dalam alam rumah tangga, seperti ragu-ragu atau takut tidak berasas,” katanya.
Islam menggariskan beberapa panduan kepada umatnya memilih jodoh, seperti mengutamakan lelaki atau wanita beragama dan berakhlak, sebagaimana sabda nabi bermaksud:
“Apabila datang kepada kamu seorang yang kamu puas hati dari sudut agama dan akhlaknya, maka kamu kahwinkan anak kamu dengannya segera. Jika kamu tidak berbuat demikian, nescaya timbul fitnah di muka bumi ini dan kerosakan yang akan ditempuhnya nanti.” (Riwayat Abu Hurairah)
Umat Islam juga perlu mengelak memilih jodoh dari kalangan lelaki atau wanita fasik.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: “Sesiapa yang mengahwinkan anak perempuannya dengan lelaki fasik maka sebenarnya dia telah memutuskan silaturahim dengan anaknya.”
Selain itu, kita dianjurkan memilih jodoh dari kalangan yang sihat, bebas dari penyakit yang dibimbangi mengganggu tugas sebagai suami atau isteri.
Pasangan itu pula biarlah sepadan bagi mengelak keaiban pada beberapa perkara tertentu dan untuk mencapai persamaan dalam bidang sosial, sekali gus menjamin kesejahteraan hidup suami isteri, tanpa ada yang berkecil hati atau rendah diri.
Pakar motivasi, Ahmad Shukri Yusof, berkata kesilapan besar bagi pasangan yang ingin berkahwin tidak meletakkan agama sebagai keutamaan dalam membuat pilihan jodoh mereka.
Menurutnya, kesilapan itu juga mengakibatkan hubungan suami isteri tidak bertahan lama, malah berlaku pelbagai kejadian tidak diingini.
“Kriteria Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sebut walaupun sudah lama, ia masih relevan. Agama perlu menjadi asas memilih jodoh supaya perkahwinan dan kebahgiaan yang dibina bertahan hingga ke penghujung nyawa.
“Jika betul-betul berasaskan kriteria yang disebut nabi, tiada timbul pelbagai perasaan dalam alam rumah tangga, seperti ragu-ragu atau takut tidak berasas,” katanya.
Islam menggariskan beberapa panduan kepada umatnya memilih jodoh, seperti mengutamakan lelaki atau wanita beragama dan berakhlak, sebagaimana sabda nabi bermaksud:
“Apabila datang kepada kamu seorang yang kamu puas hati dari sudut agama dan akhlaknya, maka kamu kahwinkan anak kamu dengannya segera. Jika kamu tidak berbuat demikian, nescaya timbul fitnah di muka bumi ini dan kerosakan yang akan ditempuhnya nanti.” (Riwayat Abu Hurairah)
Umat Islam juga perlu mengelak memilih jodoh dari kalangan lelaki atau wanita fasik.
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: “Sesiapa yang mengahwinkan anak perempuannya dengan lelaki fasik maka sebenarnya dia telah memutuskan silaturahim dengan anaknya.”
Selain itu, kita dianjurkan memilih jodoh dari kalangan yang sihat, bebas dari penyakit yang dibimbangi mengganggu tugas sebagai suami atau isteri.
Pasangan itu pula biarlah sepadan bagi mengelak keaiban pada beberapa perkara tertentu dan untuk mencapai persamaan dalam bidang sosial, sekali gus menjamin kesejahteraan hidup suami isteri, tanpa ada yang berkecil hati atau rendah diri.
Walaupun aspek itu bukannya syarat sah perkahwinan dan tidak dipersoalkan ketika majlis ijab dan kabul, namun ia mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap hubungan suami isteri.
Ahmad Shukri turut mengingatkan anak muda supaya tidak mudah terpedaya dengan istilah cinta, seperti cinta pandang pertama kerana ia tidak boleh dijadikan asas dalam memilih jodoh.
“Cinta hanya sementara, malah cinta itu buta. Jika cinta tidak berteraskan anjuran agama, ia boleh pudar sedangkan mahligai yang mahu dibina seboleh-bolehnya berpanjangan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, golongan muda perlu menilai dan memahami perkara ini supaya cinta yang selalunya bersemi sebelum perkahwinan tidak menjerat diri pada kemudian hari.
“Tidak sukar memilih pasangan mengikut garis panduan terbabit.
“Pelbagai cara boleh dilakukan untuk menentukan calon pasangan anda beragama dan berakhlak seperti bertanya orang lain termasuk saudara, kawan, malah melihat tindak tanduknya.
“Ini bukan bermakna Islam menolak calon berharta, berkedudukan dan cantik malah ciri ini juga penting kerana sudah menjadi sifat semulajadi manusia suka kepada kecantikan.
“Cuma, apa yang penting dahulukan agama. Jika sudah beragama, cantik dan kaya raya, itu tentu pilihan yang baik,” katanya.
6 Perkara Allah Sembunyikan
MasyaAllah..besarnya pahala yg Allah
Allah SWT selesai menciptakan Jibrail as
dengan bentuk
yang cantik, dan Allah menciptakan pula baginya 600 sayap yang panjang , sayap itu antara timur dan barat (ada
pendapat lain menyatakan 124,000 sayap). Setelah itu Jibrail as memandang dirinya sendiri dan berkata:-
"Wahai Tuhanku, adakah engkau menciptakan makhluk yang lebih baik daripada aku?."
Lalu Allah swt
berfirman yang bermaksud..
Kemudian Jibrail as
berdiri serta solat dua rakaat kerana syukur kepada Allah swt. dan tiap-tiap rakaat itu lamanya 20,000
tahun. Setelah selesai Jibrail
as solat, maka Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud.
"Wahai Jibrail, kamu telah menyembah aku dengan ibadah yang
bersungguh-sungguh, dan tidak
ada seorang pun yang menyembah kepadaku seperti ibadat kamu, akan tetapi di akhir zaman nanti akan datang seorang nabi yang mulia
yang paling aku cintai, namanya Muhammad.' Dia mempunyai umat yang lemah dan
sentiasa berdosa, sekiranya mereka itu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat yang hanya sebentar sahaja,
dan mereka dalam keadaan lupa serta serba
kurang, fikiran mereka melayang bermacam-macam dan dosa mereka pun besar juga. Maka demi kemuliaannKu dan
ketinggianKu, sesungguhnya solat mereka
itu aku lebih sukai dari solatmu
itu. Kerana mereka mengerjakan
solat atas perintahKu, sedangkan kamu mengerjakan solat bukan atas perintahKu."
Kemudian Jibrail as
"Ya Tuhanku, apakah yang Engkau hadiahkan kepada mereka sebagai imbalan ibadat mereka?"
Lalu Allah berfirman
yang bermaksud.
"Ya Jibrail, akan Aku berikan syurga Ma'waa sebagai tempat tinggal..."
Kemudian Jibrail as meminta izin kepada Allah untuk melihat
syurga Ma'waa.
Setelah Jibrail as
mendapat izin dari Allah SWT maka pergilah Jibrail as dengan mengembangkan sayapnya dan terbang, setiap dia
mengembangkan dua sayapnya dia
boleh menempuh jarak perjalanan 3000 tahun, terbanglah malaikat jibrail as selama 300 tahun sehingga ia merasa letih dan lemah dan
akhirnya dia turun singgah berteduh di
bawah bayangan sebuah pohon dan
dia sujud kepada Allah SWT lalu
ia berkata dalam sujud:
"Ya Tuhanku apakah sudah aku menempuh jarak perjalanan setengahnya, atau sepertiganya, atau seperempatnya?"
Kemudian Allah swt
berfirman yang bermaksud.
"Wahai Jibrail, kalau kamu dapat terbang selama 3000 tahun dan meskipun
aku memberikan kekuatan kepadamu
seperti kekuatan yang engkau miliki,
lalu kamu terbang seperti yang telah kamu lakukan, nescaya kamu tidak akan sampai kepada sepersepuluh dari beberapa perpuluhan yang
telah kuberikan kepada umat
Muhammad terhadap imbalan solat dua rakaat yang mereka
Marilah sama2 kita
fikirkan dan berusaha lakukan... Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T telah
menyembunyikan enam perkara
iaitu :-
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan redha-Nya
dalam taat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan murka-Nya di dalam maksiat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan nama-Nya
yang Maha Agung di dalam Al-Quran.
* Allah S.W.T telah
menyembunyikan Lailatul Qadar di
dalam bulan Ramadhan.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan solat yang paling utama di dalam solat (yang lima
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan (tarikh terjadinya) hari kiamat di dalam semua hari.
Semoga kita mendapat
berkat daripada ilmu ini.
Nukilan Pak Dogo
pagi-pagi , tibo-tibo terus teringat ko kapung halame nun jauh 8jam
perjalanan melalui darat disano. Terkenang akan kesantunan warganyo,
keenakan makane & minumannyo, kedamaian suasano kapungnyo, keagungan
seni & budayanyo, kelicikan budaya niaganyo.
warganyo tidak terlalu bergantung kepada makan gaji untuk pendapatan
bulanan. Tiada bonus dari majikan, tiada punch card untuk pergi dan balik kerja.
Disana, warganyo hampir keseluruhannya menjadi bos sendiri, menjadi
tauke sendiri. Menjaja ikan dan barangan dapur dari rumah ke rumah,
membajak padi dengan tulang 4 kerat, menoreh getah sendiri seawal jam
6pagi, menjadi buruh binaan dan tukang kayu, membuka kedai runcit
dihadapan rumah.
Itulah agungnya bangsa mereka, berusaha
sepenuh jaya untuk menyediakan makanan halal untuk anak-anak mereka.
Tidak mengharapkan belas ihsan mana-mana pihak untuk dibantu. Hasilnya,
anak-anak ini juga berjaya menjadi manusia, memiliki ijazah, memiliki
pendidikan hanya melalui didikan kampung dan belanja poket dari menoreh
getah saban hari.
Itulah Kelantan nama diberi. Negeri Kelantan,
seindah namamu. Negeri unik, rakyatnya berjaya menjadi mangsa hasad
dengki kaum sebangsa berpuluh abad lamanya.
Bersabarlah wahai anak Muda Kelantan. Masa itu pasti akan tiba.
Negeri Kelantan, seindah namamu.
Nukilan Karya :
Pok Dogo
5.40 pagi
24 April 2012
( Air mata Pok Dogo mengalir usai sahaja selesai menukilkan tulisan ini. Hebatnya nama KELANTAN )
Komen Penulis : aku sendiri pun dah lama tidak menjejakkan kaki di bumi tercinta, karya tersebut buat aku sendiri pun sadis gak..
Ferguson keeping tabs on Hazard
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed he has been keeping an eye on Lille winger Eden Hazard.
70-year-old attended the French side's recent 2-1 defeat against Lyon,
with the Scot admitting a number of players were the focus of his
attention, but he was particularly impressed with the Belgium
"I came to watch Lille play Lyon and followed Hazard of course, along with other players," Ferguson told RMC.
"He is a very good player who has many qualities. He is particularly fast over the first 10 yards.
"Being Manchester United manager is exhausting work, that requires a lot of energy.
"But it is the club that meets all my expectations and allows me to meet all the challenges.
"There is a stable family atmosphere. In short, I thrive there."
Red Devils boss was also questioned about France manager Laurent Blanc,
a former United player who has been linked as a potential successor to
the Scot at Old Trafford.
Ferguson said: "I get asked this question very often.
he played in Manchester (2001-03), he followed very carefully our
training methods. He is a very clever. He has qualities as a coach needs
since he made 'les Bleus' a winning team again."
United have been
dragged back into a Premier League title battle with Manchester City
following their 4-4 draw with Everton on Saturday, and Ferguson was
asked how much on an impact their local rival's new wealthy status has
had on the level of competition at the top of the table.
"That's not really accurate. I don't agree with that," he said.
true that Manchester City became rich in a pretty incredible way, but
it's not the fact that there is a new owner and new ambitions which
necessarily change things.
"The difference is perhaps that we're trying to build with youth."
Monday, 23 April 2012
Kelebihan Surah Al Falaq
1. Menolak gangguan jin, syaitan, sihir, was-was dan segala kejahatan.
2. Di baca sebelum tidur 3 kali (3 Qul) dan di tiup ke tangan dan di sapukan ke seluruh badan kecuali kaki dan kemaluan akan terhindar dati segala perkara yang buruk.
3. Di turunkan Surah ini kerana Rasulullah s.a.w memohon pada Allah ayat pelindung maka di kurniakan oleh Allah Surah ini.
4. Di baca pada air garam dan di sapu pada badan yang terkena sengatan binatang bisa.
5. Di baca 41 kali selama 3, 5 atau 7 hari berturut turut akan sembuh dari sihir dan santau dengan izin Allah.
6. Jika sesat terutama malam gelap gelita di baca / di ulang membaca Surah ini akan di tunjukkan jalan oleh Allah.
Apa Pandangan Anda Tentang Cerita Di bawah
Berlaku sebuah kisah di zaman Nabi Ibrahim a.s
semasa Nabi Ibrahim dibakar oleh kaumnya, seekor burung kecil terbang
berulang alik mengisi air dalam paruhnya lalu menyiram ke atas api yang
membakar. Itulah yang dilakukannya berulangkali. Tingkah lakunya
diperhatikan oleh makhluk Allah yang lain lalu bertanya kepada burung
kecil itu, “Untuk apa kau berpenat lelah mengambil air berulang alik,
sedangkan api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim
tidak akan terpadam dengan air yang kau siramkan itu.' Lalu dijawab
oleh burung tersebut, “Memang ia tidak akan dapat memadamkan api itu,
tetapi aku lebih takut kepada Allah kerana Allah akan menyoal aku nanti,
apakah yang aku lakukan untuk agama Allah, dan Allah tidak akan
bertanya sama ada aku berjaya memadamkan api itu atau pun tidak.”
Berlainan pula dengan cicak yang bertindak jahat dengan
menghembus-hembus kepada api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim dengan harapan
api akan menjadi lebih marak untuk terus membakar Nabi Ibrahim (walaupun
sebenarnya hembusannya itu tidak membawa kesan ke atas api berkenaan.)
Sumber : UAI
Dalglish laments more Anfield disappointment
Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish bemoaned his side's poor finishing after their 1-0 loss to West Brom at Anfield on Sunday.
Reds dominated the possession and chances but were hit by a second-half
Peter Odemwingie sucker-punch following a Glen Johnson error.
the Scot underlined that his side's profligacy at Anfield is not a
recent trend, comparing defeat to the Baggies to another wasteful
"It's not been one of those days, it's been like that about seven or eight times here," Dalglish told reporters.
"Even after we won the League Cup we came back and played Arsenal and were brilliant and lost.
got to the (FA Cup) final last week, beating Everton. (The players)
came out today and were excellent again but they've lost the two games."
60-year-old went on to insist that his side deserved more luck after
seeing efforts come back off the post, yet again, along with several
efforts cleared off the line.
He added: "I think you could go back
over the old interviews and it was the same thing. Great credit to the
players (in) that they continued to go and they made chance after
"The woodwork again was not our best friend so it's
difficult to come in but they showed great resolve in the way they went
about their work and because of that we had a lot of chances, a lot of
attempts on goal but just couldn't get a break.
"There's not much
else we can add to what we've said before many times after a game at
Anfield. If we had a solution we would tell the players but we wouldn't
tell anyone else.
"There's no need for us to change things we just need to change a bit of luck.
sounds repetitive and it's not an excuse, we're not running away from
something. It's not as if there’s something drastically wrong there that
we can't identify.
"It is just a piece of good fortune that they need."
West Brom manager Roy Hodgson has revealed his satisfaction at ending the club's 45-year winning drought at Anfield.
Odemwingie's 75th-minute strike moves the Midlands side up to 10th in the table, only one point behind the Reds.
And the ex-Liverpool boss could not hide his delight at picking up three points against his former employers.
told reporters: "The major satisfaction is winning at Anfield. With the
team we have, with respect, I don't think that most people expect us to
come and win at Anfield.
"There is a gulf between the two teams
not least in the amount of money that can be spent in assembling the
team and getting the quality of players required.
"I thought it
was a very determined effort from our players, they showed a lot of
commitment and a lot of effort and we were grateful to a lot of blocks
and saves from our goalkeeper.
"It's always enjoyable to win even if you need a bit of luck on your side to achieve the win.
years is a long time for a team like West Bromwich Albion not to get a
result at Anfield, we know how difficult it is to get results here but
45 years is another hoodoo laid to rest."
Sumber : Soccerway
Komen Penulis : wakakakkakaka
Ferguson: City clash will decide title
Sir Alex Ferguson believes the match against Manchester City on April 30 at the Etihad Stadium is now a Premer League 'decider'.
also claimed it was the most important derby of his career at
Manchester United after the club dropped two points at home to Everton
on Saturday.
United let a two-goal lead slip with only seven
minutes remaining on the clock, having led 4-2 after a Wayne Rooney
double and goals from Danny Welbeck and Nani. But after late strikes
from Nikica Jelavic and Steven Pienaar, the game against City carries
even greater significance.
"We've given (Manchester City) the initiative, there's no doubt about that," he told Sky Sports.
makes the game at the Etihad a real important game. It's the decider
really. We make it hard for ourselves as we normally do. But we have to
go there knowing that we're capable of getting a result.
"We need
to get a result now at the Etihad, there's no question about that. We
need to perform. There's no reason why we can't do that but there's
almost an expectancy from City that this could be their decider, but
it's our decider too.
"There will be a reaction, alright, there's
no question about that. Next Monday against City, it's always a derby
game of the highest proportions, and this won't be any different. Yes,
[it's] definitely (the most important of my career). Game on."
was disheartened by the way his team had defended, gifting some soft
goals to the visitors that he said erased the hard work and good
football that they had played, with Wayne Rooney and Danny Welbeck's
link-up play earning praise.
He continued: "It was a throwaway, an
absolute giveaway. We just needed to see the game out, and it's a
travesty because some of our football was fantastic.
"The goals we
scored were great. To give away four goals at Old Trafford in a home
game that's so important…I just can't believe it.
"I think it was
defensive lapses. The goals were really soft goals. We've created goals
by really good football, but I think [Everton] got their goals easily.
think today was a bad performance (defensively). In previous games
we've defended very well. It was a real work for us to have defending
like that.
"(Welbeck and Rooney) were a real threat
today. Their combination play and understanding of (each other's
position) was terrific. They should have got more out of the game than
they did."
Sumber : Soccerway
Komen Penulis : Nak salahkan sapa, defend kot... kalau tidak dah boleh enjoy awal..
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Moyes: Refereeing was ´rubbish´
David Moyes was appalled with referee Mike Jones in the aftermath of Everton’s 4-4 thriller at Manchester United.
Scot was riled by play not being brought to a halt when Steven Pienaar
was down injured, with Danny Welbeck subsequently scoring and sending
the hosts 2-1 up.
Earlier in the match, in a similar situation,
Jones had brought play back when Jonny Evans was down injured and the
visitors were on the attack.
Although Everton fought back from
being two goals down in the final 15 minutes to cap off an incredible
match, Moyes remained fuming at the officiating.
He told Sky Sports: "I thought it (the refereeing) was rubbish. He stopped play for Jonny Evans.
referees can do what they want, can't they? They really can. They can
make their own mind up, make their own rules up. And I thought he made
his own rules up today.
"Not to do the same on their goal - I
don’t know whether it was their second or third goal - when Steven
Pienaar's down, you'd have thought then if he was being consistent that
he’d maybe even it up, and say 'Oh, the player’s down I'll do that.'
"He never did it and they scored from it. I've got to say I think the referee was poor today."
Although the score was level at half-time, goals from Welbeck, Wayne Rooney and Nani looked to have sealed a win for United.
Everton fought back magnificently and goals from Marouane Fellaini,
Nikica Jelavic and Steven Pienaar in the second-half earned them a point
at Old Trafford.
"We always thought we could win," Moyes said.
"We felt as though we’d been a bit hard done by lately so the players didn't half put on a show."
asked how pleased he was that the players fought back, Moyes added:
"Incredibly. I don't think that at any time we deserved to be two goals
"We kept going. We knew it was going to be a bit of a
gung-ho game. We decided we were going to make sure we got at them, try
to make chances.
“So that was always going to happen when you come
here. The finishing and the goals we scored were very good, but
Manchester United scored some very good goals as well."
defended is past trips to Old Trafford and admitted his relief that the
players bounced back from the FA Cup semi-final loss to Liverpool last
'I don’t think I've ever gone into any game and sat, I can honestly say that," he said.
only ever gone into any game to try and win it. But the emphasis was
big here today to try and make sure we came here and got a result,
because at the moment we're down.
"We lost a big game
last week and today was a chance to play another big game and to stop
people from thinking our season's over."
Sumber : Soccerway
Komen Penulis : Kalau Reff. bukan sampah, Everton boleh menang kot..
Friday, 20 April 2012
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Champions League: Chelsea 1 Barcelona 0
A Didier Drogba goal was enough to lift Chelsea to a 1-0 win over
Barcelona in the first leg of their Champions League semi-final on
Alexis Sanchez hit the bar early on and Cesc Fabregas
had a weak effort cleared off the line for the reigning champions before
Drogba delighted the Stamford Bridge crowd by finishing a smart break
in first-half stoppage time.
Chelsea then shut Barca down
effectively in a second half where chances were scarce, until Pedro hit
the post and Sergio Busquets blasted the rebound feebly over at the
As expected, Barca immediately began dominating possession.
Andres Iniesta through-ball that bypassed the Chelsea defence found
Sanchez free in the area, and he deftly dinked it over Petr Cech but
unluckily saw his effort come back off the crossbar.
Barca were not producing their best but should have been in front after 16 minutes.
dragged two defenders out of the way before cutting back to Iniesta,
whose shot was parried by Cech. The rebound came to Fabregas but he
fired wide.
Midway through the half and Barca were slowly turning up the pressure.
Fabregas forced a near-post save from Cech before Messi leapt on the
edge of the box to head an Alexis cross into the stretching keeper's
A patchy period followed with a few niggling fouls and no
great creation, with Chelsea quashing much of Barca's attacking
Their resistance was nearly broken on 42 minutes, however, when the visitors broke through Messi.
Argentine slid in Fabregas to his left, but his colleague's attempt to
lift it gently over Cech was underpowered and Ashley Cole arrived to
clear off the line.
Half-time parity seemed inevitable but, in added time, Chelsea suddenly struck.
controlled well on the left flank and slipped a perfectly-weighted pass
across the box, where Drogba was waiting to finish just past the
grasping Victor Valdes, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
probed after the break, Adriano cutting in on his right foot to send
Cech flying to his left to save, but Chelsea's first corner moments
later from Lampard was just missed by a couple of his team-mates.
came close again when Fabregas' inventive scoop played the Chilean in
at point-blank range, but he had little space to aim into and poked the
ball wide.
Messi attempted more than one run forward from deep
into the box but was thwarted first by Gary Cahill and then John Terry,
with Pedro introduced by Pep Guardiola in place of Sanchez in the hope
of better testing the resilient Blues.
It had little effect,
though, with clear-cut chances absent and the visitors, short of ideas,
looking unlikely to force their way through.
As they pushed up in
desperation, Drogba was able to battle past on the break, but his
through-ball into the path of substitute Salomon Kalou on 80 minutes was
a touch too strong and the opportunity was lost.
Barca came close
when Messi's 87th-minute free kick was flicked on by a crouching Puyol.
Substitute Thiago Alcantara flashed at it but could not make contact,
yet Cech still had to do well to dive and parry.
The visitors, though, should have equalised at the very last.
Terry's excellent initial tackle to snuff out one chance, Pedro sliced a
shot against the post before Busquets, with the goal at his mercy,
lofted the ball high over the bar, meaning his side head into next
week's second leg one down and without an away goal to their credit.
Sumber : Soccerway
Komen penulis : Harap The Blues dapat kekalkan kelebihan 1 gol di Nou Camp nanti..
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Kasih Sayang Tidak Mengenal Siapa
MISKIN tidak menghalang KEBAHAGIAAN.
Sekilas GAMBAR ini menceritakan yang mereka tetap bahagia walaupun hidup SUSAH,,,
#IKHTIBARnya di sini hanya satu "Kasih sayang itu datang dari hati yang jujur dan ikhlas, bukan dari kemewahan yang melimpah ruah" :)
Sekilas GAMBAR ini menceritakan yang mereka tetap bahagia walaupun hidup SUSAH,,,
#IKHTIBARnya di sini hanya satu "Kasih sayang itu datang dari hati yang jujur dan ikhlas, bukan dari kemewahan yang melimpah ruah" :)
Komen Penulis : Rasa kasih sayang yang suci, walaupun kita nampak ok dalam kehidupan ini namun kita tidak semestinya memperolehi kasih sayang seperti ini, renungkan.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Rooney ´disappointed´ despite goal double
Wayne Rooney says he was disappointed with his performance in
Manchester United's 4-0 win over Aston Villa on Sunday despite scoring
Rooney shared Red Devils boss Sir Alex Ferguson's view that he was too 'casual' in the comfortable Premier League victory.
"It was nice to score two goals but I didn't think my performance was good enough," Rooney said.
"The rest of my play wasn't great. I am disappointed with that and I will be working hard to put it right."
double brought Rooney’s goal tally to 31 for the season and the striker
finds himself only three away from beating his personal best of two
seasons ago.
The 26-year-old is also just one short of notching
his 179th goal for the club, which would take him level with United
legend George Best.
But, while the former Everton man admits
matching Best's record is an additional incentive, he said ensuring
United maintain their lead at the top of the league is more important.
would be great to equal that record and hopefully surpass it," Rooney
said. "I would be proud of that achievement but I can't really look at
it just at the minute.
"If it happens then great but it's the
points that are important at this time of the year and if I can score
the goals that get those points then I'll be pleased."
United were surprisingly beaten by Wigan, rivals Manchester City have
stepped up the chase for the title, scoring 10 times in their last two
matches - and Rooney is aware that his side must win their next match,
against Everton, to see off their challengers.
"A month or six
weeks ago, if somebody had told me that we would be five points clear at
this stage of the season I would have been delighted," he said.
week against Everton is another massive game for us. We need to get
three points there to make it an interesting night against Manchester
Sumber : Soccerway
Drogba: I just want to win trophies
Chelsea striker Didier Drogba is hoping to end what could be his last season at the club with a trophy.
the Blues have failed to mount a Premier League title challenge, they
will meet Liverpool in the FA Cup final on May 5 and face the first leg
of a Champions League semi-final clash with Barcelona on Wednesday.
the 33-year-old, who scored the first goal as his side demolished
Tottenham in the FA Cup semi-final on Sunday, is hoping to lift some
silverware before his contract expires at the end of the season.
"Last season was a bad season because I didn't win anything," he said.
"I hope this season will be different. I want to win trophies. It's not about it being my last year here."
"I just want to win trophies with Chelsea, with my team and that's the most important thing."
The Blues are set to renew a European rivalry this week as they meet Barcelona for the fifth time in the last eight seasons.
sides clashed most recently three years ago when a late Andres Iniesta
goal decided a controversial clash at Stamford Bridge in which the west
London outfit felt that they should have been award several penalties.
whilst the Ivorian striker earned a three-game ban for an
expletive-filled tirade at referee Tom Henning Ovrebo following that
match, he insists he remembers the fixture fondly.
"It's not only bad memories - we have some good memories as well against Barcelona," Drogba said.
"It's a 50-50, even if they are said to be the best team in the world and have the best player in the world (Lionel Messi).
"There are two games. Anything can happen. (The controversial game) was a few years ago, so things have changed since then.
"But the desire is the same, the desire to beat them. It's going to be a tough game for us but we're ready to play."
Sumber : Soccerway
Komen Admin : EPL - jangan harap ler, UCL/FA - U Hope
Monday, 16 April 2012
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